- Representation learning
- Manifold learning
- Variational autoencoders
- Bayesian networks
- Autoregressive networks
- Feedforward neural network
- Modular neural network
Machine Learning
We build solutions that can analyze patterns and associations from vast amounts of unstructured data with machine learning technology.
Computer Vision
AI solutions can deliver real time insights from videos, images and text through computer vision technology and video analytics.
Custom AI tools
We develop customized solutions that can streamline and improve your business operations while boosting productivity across all departments.
AI Development Services
Deep Learning
Our experts can develop business technological frameworks that mimic the human brain’s capabilities with deep learning.
Sales Intelligence
Sales intelligence solutions can boost the productivity of sales efforts by predicting the possible position of a customer in the sales cycle.
Conversational Tools
mprove customer service with conversational tools that can mimic human conversation by delivering useful information and product recommendations to customers.
Classification Tools
We develop custom classification tools that can deliver useful business insights on customer behaviour, preferences and desires.
Robotic Process Automation
RPA can automate redundant and monotonous work with high accuracy and efficiency.
Development competence

- PyTorch, Chainer
- MXNet ,Nvidia Caffe
- Caffe2, Chainer
- Theano
- Keras
- Swift
- DL4J
- OpenNN
- Neuroph
- Sonnet
- Tensorlfow
- Tensor2Tensor
- tf-slim
- Apache Spark
- Torch
- Supervised/unsupervised learning
- Clustering (density-based, Hierarchical, partitioning)
- Metric learning
- Few-shot learning
- Dimensionality reduction algorithms
- Gradient boosting & AdaBoost
- Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
- Core ML
- Kurento’s computer
- Digital Impact Toolkit
- vision module